Welcome to our Runners web site

Brief Overview Of This Site

About Us Contains information about us as a Computerized Race & Results Services
Contact Information Contains details on how to contact us if you have any problems or questions that you would like to ask us.
AAW Athletics Association of Wales
Vicki White Vicki White, Sports Massage Therapist, Now in Haverfordwest Leisure Centre

Emily Wells Photography

Check out this local Photographer, lives near Narberth, Pembrokeshire, Weddings and Commercial
DrBethan Ouseley Fishguard Clinic, Phone 01348 875221
Pymmwenn Race Numbers Best place for all your race numbers, quick and best prices
Alastair Tye Pictures Alaster Tye,  Fell Running Picture
Duncan Stewart Textiles Duncan Stewart Textiles, 01903201251, Check these people out
Bruce Tulloh Bruce Tulloh, Training and Running books by the master
Runners World Running Magazine for all runners, list of races etc
Radio Pembs Local Radio Station in Pembrokeshire supporting the community
Sports Shops etc A list of Sports Shops and Online Sports Shops


Maenclochog 10k, Maenclochog Village Hall Monday 27th May @ 11.am 

10k Entry Form

Download a Universal Entry Form

email addie:-  Roland Sherwood

Last updates    13/05/2024